
Become a Sponsor!

Annual Wine & Cheese Fundraiser Event organized by the EFAM Parents' Club

Over the past years, generous sponsors have helped us make this event a big success. Please consider becoming a sponsor for the first time or continuing your support this year.
If you or your company is interested in sponsoring this event, there are four levels of sponsorship detailed below:
Mention on promotional materials (newsletter, reminder email) and mention at the event. Two admission tickets to the event included.
GOLD $300
Mention on promotional materials (newsletter, reminder email), business cards displayed at the event plus family/company name on sponsorboard displayed at the event. Two admission tickets to the event included.
Mention on promotional materials (newsletter, reminder email), business cards displayed at the event and family name/logo on sponsor board displayed at the event. Plus free advertising mentions in two newsletters, non-event related. Two admissions to the event included.
DIAMOND $1,000 or more
Mention on promotional materials (newsletter, reminder email), business cards displayed at the event and family name/logo on sponsor board displayed at the event. Free advertising mentions in two newsletters, non-event related plus quarter page advertisement in Yearbook. Two admissions to the event included.

If you choose to donate as an individual or as a family, your name may be displayed instead of a corporate logo.

We also welcome the donation of goods or services (food, beverages, rental chair/tables/equipment) to be used during the event as well as donated items for the silent auction [i.e.: certificates to your family’s restaurant, concert/theater tickets, products from your place of business, homemade craft/artwork, handbag/jewelry/perfume or any other item (valued at $100 or more)].

The EFAM Parents’ Club is a non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Sponsorship deadline: October 1st

Please note that all funds raised during the event will directly benefit the students of EFAM and will be used to cover some of the costs of a new STEAM program for the school.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please click on the donate button below to make a financial donation or for any other types of donation, please contact us at club@frenchschoolmiami.org

Thank you for your continued support!