NEWSLETTER #3 2023-2024
The EFAM team wishes you and your families happiness and success for 2024!
It’s picture time once again! Individual student portraits and class pictures will be taken this week at both campuses. Please remember to have your child wear their red polo shirt on picture day. The pictures will be on sale in February on the GotPhoto platform, you will receive an email when they are ready. Please find the dates for EFAM pictures below.
Individual portraits : Tuesday, January 23rd
Class pictures and make-up for individual portraits: Friday, January 26th
Individual portraits: Monday, January 22nd
Class pictures and make-up for individual portraits: Thursday, January 25th
efam counselor
Ms.Isabel Hernandez and Ms.Elis Rimeris, both licensed mental health professionals from Pediatric Psychology Associates, will be working with EFAM teachers and students starting this week. If you haven’t returned the consent form, please do so today.
Ms.Isabel and Ms.Elis will facilitate class discussions on various social-emotional topics from EFAM curriculum. They will also be able to offer valuable advice and feedback to teachers seeking to tailor their social-emotional lessons to their students’ needs.
Today, Ms.Isabel, spoke to the younger students about expected behaviors in class and to the older students about growth mindset and accepting mistakes as an integral part of the learning process.
Thanks to your participation, Kristi House volunteers picked up a trunk full of toys and hygiene products from each campus in December. We are proud of our CM2 classes for spearheading this initiative!
EFAM is proud to host another workshop for parents this year with the FIU’s Center for Children and Families and the Children’s Trust Parent Club (no relation to the EFAM CDP) on “How to raise Confident, Competent Children”. We’ll have two sessions: one in person at the South Campus this Thursday, January 25 at 6 pm and a second, online live seminar on Thursday, February 1st at 6pm via Zoom. These workshops are free of charge.
This year’s second professional development seminar will focus on mathematics, problem solving in particular and connections between the French and American curriculum. Mr.Petillat, pedagogical advisor from the AEFE network of French schools will visit some of our classes on Thursday, February 15th and host the seminar the following day for the teachers, on February 16th.
This year’s Fundays are scheduled for the week of February 12 to 15, 2024. This event is EFAM’s major fundraising effort with proceeds going to the annual fund. During this week of fun and of fundraising, students will enjoy enriching activities such as: a dance class, pottery with Gus from Anhinga Clay Studios, Sports Day (Tuesday, February 13th), a children’s short film festival and and a cool treat from the Whip N’ Dip ice cream cart after school! Classes and parents who raise the most funds will earn special prizes…
Save the date for Saturday, April 27th! EFAM’s annual gala will be held at the Cocoplum Woman’s Club in Coral Gables this year. We hope you’'ll join us for our Parisian “guinguette” themed soirée featuring live music, silent auctions, dinner and dancing!
We are looking for sponsors for this event (wine, auction prizes): if you’d like to help, please contact us at
We look forward to seeing you there!
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Le Bal du moulin de la galette, 1876, musée d'Orsay
fundraising updates
Thanks to your donations during the last No Uniform Day, EFAM was able to raise $1 921. We purchased new toys and games for recess at both campuses (see pictures below).
As of today, we have raised $ 18 090 for this year’s annual fund, reaching 30.15% of our $60 000 goal for 2023-2024.
The Fundays week, scheduled for February 12th to 16th, will be a great opportunity to help EFAM reach its goal. The annual fund covers expenses not included in the school operating budget such as: visits from artists and authors, professional development, importing new books and educational games from France, renewing computer equipment and other technological devices and building improvements.
School pictures - Jan.22-26
Fundays week - February 12th to 15th
Sports Day - February 13th
CDP Kermesse at the South campus
Café des parents - February 26th (North Campus) & February 28th (South Campus)
SATs in 4th and 5th grades - March- 4th to 8th
EFAM Annual Gala - April 27th at the Cocoplum Woman’s Club
a word from mo mayrides, president of the parents’ club
The EFAM Parents Club would be thrilled to see everyone at the 2024 Kermesse scheduled for Saturday, February 24 from 12 pm to 4 pm on the grounds at EFAM's South Campus. All are welcome. Tickets are available for purchase at $15 per attending child (or purchase for $20 onsite) via Zelle or Venmo to Adults are free. This year's festivities will include a uniform swap (bring your slightly used uniforms that you no longer use) and a used book sale. Come enjoy the rides, the activities, food and drinks, and the EFAM community! All proceeds to benefit ongoing projects at EFAM. See you there!